Sunday, 8 November 2009


After an epic writing failure yesterday (I squeezed out a painful 500 words, ugh), I need to average a cool 2000 words a day to meet my 50,000 end goal.

On October 31st (the day before NaNoWriMo began), I laid down some ground rules for myself:

  1. Write, don't type. Typing makes it too easy to overuse my delete button, which means I write pages worth of content and end up with a few over-edited, awkward paragraphs. And it also makes surfing the internet waaay to easy. I had to scrap this rule pretty early on in the process. I filled up about 20 pages in my notebook then spent about an hour typing it up. Every hour is precious at this point, so it's back to Microsoft Word.
  2. Don't apologize for what I write. I tend to be a self-conscious writer. Let's just admit, for a first time fiction writer, most of this book will be crap. Just keep writing.
  3. Don't drink too much coffee. I get over-caffeinated, a little paranoid, pee a lot, then fall asleep. Let's avoid that.
  4. Pace myself. For the love of God I need to crank out 2,000 words a night, minimum. So I'm not going to sleep each night until I reach that goal. Tonight's bedtime isn't looking good.
Aaaand my crazy writing session starts now and continues all night. Allowed breaks: season finale of Mad Men (then no more tv all month!); dinner.

Den out.


  1. can i read your novel when you're done?

  2. I also want to read your novel.

    Also, yr blog should have been titled "Ben There, Dan That"
